I recently laid down a challenge for some friends to join me in a time of prayer and fasting for our nation. I believe that the prayers of righteous men and women can change the course of history. So, I’ve asked several people to join me in prayer and to accompany their prayers with fasting.

I also believe that in this contentious election season, believers in Christ have a responsibility to pray that God causes the counsel of His enemies to backfire – or to use a biblical phrase to be “turned to foolishness.” I firmly believe that as a nation we’re facing a binary choice – not between left & right, or liberal & conservative, or Democrat & Republican – but between good and evil, godly and ungodly.

There are sinister, evil forces that have been let loose on this planet. And they are now coalescing into evil philosophies which are filling the hearts of men and women in positions of world leadership with evil intent. They are deceived people. And they are hell-bent on deceiving the world. As the Apostle Paul put it to Timothy: “But evil people and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).

 In the biblical story of the life of King David, there was a time that the King faced a rebellion against his administration which was spear-headed by his rebel son, Absolom. In an all-out battle for the hearts of the people of the kingdom, Absolom ran a “joy” and “good vibes” and a “hope and change” campaign to win the people over. And it was working in part because a former advisor of King David, Ahithophel, jumped ship and began counseling the rebel Absolom. Sound familiar? Politics hasn’t changed much over the last six millennium, has it? Here’s how it’s recorded in 2 Samuel…

When someone told David that his adviser Ahithophel was now backing Absalom, David prayed, ‘O Lord, let Ahithophel give Absalom foolish advice!’ “When David reached the summit of the Mount of Olives where people worshiped God, Hushai the Arkite was waiting there for him. Hushai had torn his clothing and put dirt on his head as a sign of mourning.”  (2 Samuel 15:31-32)

This man Hushai is identified a bit later in 2 Samuel 15:37 as “…David’s friend…”  He comes to David and shows empathy for him. And David decides to give Hushai a very significant task. He tells him:      

“ ‘If you go with me, you will only be a burden. Return to Jerusalem and tell Absalom, “I will now be your adviser, O king, just as I was your father’s adviser in the past.” Then you can frustrate and counter Ahithophel’s advice. Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, will be there. Tell them about the plans being made in the king’s palace, and they will send their sons Ahimaaz and Jonathan to tell me what is going on.’ So David’s friend Hushai returned to Jerusalem, getting there just as Absalom arrived” (2 Samuel 15:33-37).

David is still thinking like a warrior-king. He asks Hushai to serve him as a spy in Absolom’s court. And that’s exactly what Hushai does. He sets up a network of communication to David from Absolom’s camp that led to the overthrow of Absolom’s temporary throne.

When Ahithophel advised Absolom (rightly, I might add), Absolom also wanted to hear from Hushai – who skillfully shut down Ahithophel’s strategic counsel. Absolom went with Hushai’s counsel – and Ahithophel went home and killed himself. Gory story – but it’s right there in black and white. Later Hushai was able to get word to David so he and his band of loyalists could get to safety. [Read about it in 2 Samuel 17].

I see a “prayer principle” in this story. It seems we can ask God, as David did, to cause the advisors of his opponents with evil intent, to give “foolish advice.”

The saying about hindsight is that it’s always “20-20.” In hindsight, over the past 3 ½ years, we know that there are evil people out to cheat and commit fraud in national elections. So much so, that it can sway an election one way or the other. My favorite candidate is calling on his supporters to make this election “too BIG to RIG” – meaning overwhelm the voting booths and absentee balloting and early voting with too many legal votes to be ignored or cancelled out with fraudulent ones. While that is a good strategy, I suggest we join forces in another strategy as well, and ask God to give those who mean evil for our country to receive “foolish advice” – and that they follow it!

And finally, pray also that the willful workers of wickedness be removed from positions of power, prominence and prestige. Pray that the eyes of those being deceived would be opened. And pray that God would place people who stand for His righteous cause to be elected to high places of government and influence.

What can we do as we fast and pray for our nation?

  • Ask God to make the counsel of His enemies become FOOLISH ADVICE.
  • VOTE for candidates who share your godly principles and policies.
  • RECRUIT others to register and vote.
  • Be active POLL WATCHERS – volunteer to do so.
  • Ask God to cause all forms of election fraud and cheating to BACKFIRE.

“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible – the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 1:17 (KJ21)

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